Friday, December 15, 2006

Office is what pulls me together...

I should say this..It's been more than a year working in 24/7.I now realise how much it is a part of me. It is a place how much ever down you feel, how much ever you feel you don't want to talk to anyone under the sun.....sorry people this office is just not the place for you. You are never let alone in this place. You may stay aloof for an hour or two but take a bet on anything, the third hour you are forced to smile!!!

I have felt it on many an occassion. Whenever I feel upset or sad on an issue or even if it's just not one of my gay days I land up being my jolly self again at the end of shift. I love this office and the atmosphere it creates. There may be a dozen of problems within it but at the end of the day you always want to go back. You always want to be there in the midst of everyone making noise. Even this time when I went home I missed that noise in office so much that a died to go back that day.

I should definitely say that this team of which I have been a part of for a year now is one of those experiences that has changed my life. Be it my team leader or my team members....they have all been a big comfort to me at various instants of this past one year

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