Through life I have always had instances to site that money does not bring culture into a person and one such incident happened yet again last week. This is one of those cheap hostel stealing incident and the girl lashing her tongue out to blame the others that her things were missing…
Sad mishaps but the ironic part is this isn’t one of those poor-can’t meet ends damsel. This is a software engineer working for IBM and earning loads. Yeah I know there is some psychological imbalance that explains this status but then I wonder…Hey what the hell??
They have a great mind to think of everything under the sun but this is blamed on habitual stealing or mental imbalance!! Spends several Ks on beauty parlours and grooming but steals loose money left on the table, clothes left for drying and don’t mention what not!!
These are the ones who ridicule others that they have no money and say words with such ease. They make fun of those who save on money eating less, save by traveling by bus rather than auto to travel even less than a kilometer.
I accept there are some who genuinely may have this issue but that does not mean we can let go every one on the same ground!! I have always valued money because I’ve seen all phases of have and have not but never wanted to live beyond capabilities. I am happy as I am!!!
we had a rich kleptomaniac kid in our hostel. it was a terrible experience for everyone.
Such kinds are there. Everywhere. I was told long time ago by my dad that it takes all kinds to make the world !!
And i guess, we need to stay focussed and move on. And by the way, you must have heard about "Trust in God, but lock your car" too !
On a more serious note, i udnerstand what you are going through. Hope things are better and hope you didnt lose too much money..
Ha Ha..Yeah these kind of ppl r always there n every hostel...
I’ve seen all phases of have and have not but never wanted to live beyond capabilities - I vouch... Yeah I hv seen it all... thats the reason even now my feet on ground not on air...
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